Bug Man Exterminating

New River Valley property owners and business leaders shouldn’t have to constantly battle with nature. Bug Man Exterminating offers green pest control services for Christiansburg and Blacksburg, VA, including termite inspections and removal, bed bug control, rodent and insect control, and moisture control. Browse our range of pest control services and schedule your service today!

Contact Us

Christiansburg, VA (New River Valley)
Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm

945 Radford St
Christiansburg, VA 24073

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    Comprehensive, Green Pest Services

    We offer a range of services that make it easy to ensure your home or business accommodates humans without also welcoming pests, including:

    Here is Our Full List of Pests We Treat

    Residential Pest Control

    Smart residential pest control goes way beyond spraying some toxic chemicals around an infested house and calling it a day. Effective mitigation techniques take a holistic approach that starts with inspections designed to find out exactly how infestations began. By approaching each pest problem on a case-by-case basis, we’re able to reduce the likelihood of future issues and lower treatment costs.

    Our experience lets us not only remove existing infestations but also correct the conditions that allowed them to thrive in the first place, so homeowners can count on not having to reapply the same treatments every time spring rolls around. What’s more, our pest control techniques are designed to be safe for families, pets, and the environment, so homeowners no longer have to wrestle with the ecological impacts of keeping their properties infestation-free.

    Commercial Pest Control

    We know how hard it can be to run a business, so we sympathize with owners who also have to deal with pests. Failing to prevent insect and animal incursions can result in everything from permanent negative publicity to loss of stock or even regulatory backlash. Our proactive services make it possible to sidestep these outcomes and keep your business moving in the right direction.

    We apply decades of knowledge to correct and prevent commercial pest problems. Since these buildings often feature large spaces, proximity to undeveloped land and lots of operational foot traffic, keeping infestations in control demands a special skill set, and we’re more than qualified enough to step up to the challenge.

    Crawl Space Services

    Did you know? We also offer a number of services aside from pest control. Bug Man Exterminating also helps homeowners with crawl space closure and other crawl space services!

    Want to solve your Christiansburg pest problems permanently? Talking to a Bug Man Exterminating specialist is the most economical, effective way to get started. Contact us for a free estimate today.

    Contact Bug Man Exterminating to schedule your service today!