Have you recently seen these creepy crawlers scurry across the floor in your home? Don’t worry about having to kill another one – let Bug Man Exterminating take care of it in your home! We can greatly reduce the number and frequency of these creatures in your home. There’ll be less unsightly cobwebs or eight-legged creatures crawling around your home once Bug Man makes a visit!

How Spiders Get Into Your Homes

There are many different ways spiders can get into your home. Spiders enter your home the same way a lot of pests do, through small cracks that may go unnoticed. This includes:

  • Cracks in Doors
  • Holes in Screens
  • Vents
  • Chimneys
  • Any Small Crack or hole

Some spiders gain access to your house by hiding on an object that is outside and then brought inside.

Common Places Spiders Hide In Your Home

Spiders are never pleasant to find in your home but the first step in overcoming the problem is noticing you have one. Different Spiders search for different environment conditions. Some spiders like cold and dry areas while others like warm and wet areas. Most spiders will go where the food goes. Since most pests are attracted to food and water in your home Spiders will be right around the corner.

Places you may find a spider in your home:

  • Kitchen
  • Bathroom
  • Basement
  • Crawl Spaces
  • Garages
  • Sheds
  • Under Furniture
  • Room & Ceiling Corners

Spiders love to hide in hard to access places so when looking for spiders you may have to move some objects around.

Common Poisonous Spiders in Virginia

Spiders are especially scary with their painful and potentially poisonous bite. Keep your children safe from these harmful spiders with spider control and extermination from Bug Man Exterminating. We specialize in treating for poisonous spiders that are common in South West Virginia:

  • Brown recluse
  • Black widow
  • Wolf spider

If you find one of these spiders on your property, call a pest control company right away! These spiders are extremely harmful and should be exterminated immediately to ensure you family’s safety.

Our Spider Protection Product – Web Out

On each visit, your technician will kill and remove all spiders and spider webs around the home, docks & boat slips. This includes above the boat slips, outside light fixtures, under eaves, around soffits and can include web removal from boats if accessible and with owner participation & permission. Then the structure is treated with WEB OUT®, an environmentally friendly product that keeps webs from adhering to the surface for 30-60 days.

Keep Spiders Out of Your Home, Call Bug Man Exterminators

Contact Bug Man to get rid of these dangerous arachnids! Our pest professionals are uniquely qualified to help homeowners, providing fast and effective sprays and repellents.

Our staff is trained on the biology, behavior, and the most advanced control techniques available to manage dangerous spiders. We systematically inspect your home—from the attic to the foundation—and implement proven spider treatment techniques throughout your home.