Bug Man Exterminating

Vinton, Virginia’s Local Exterminator

Vinton is the perfect place for folks who enjoy small-town living. Quiet communities and wide-open spaces make this town hard to beat. Residents also love Vinton’s rural scenery. The nearby Blue Ridge and Allegheny mountains help create a beautiful atmosphere. While Vinton is a great area, pests can cause issues for homes and businesses.

Residential Pest Control

Although you may not see them, pests are always somewhere in the vicinity. Your property could easily become a hotspot for bugs and other critters. Life at home will be a lot less enjoyable for your family. When the weather starts to warm up, mosquitoes start to swarm. These blood-sucking parasites love hot, humid conditions. While the irritation from a mosquito bite typically goes away in a few days, there’s always a chance for someone to get sick.

Of all the pests in Vinton, termites are the most destructive. They love to feed on wooden structures, including your home’s floor joints and support beams. If you fail to recognize the early signs of a termite infestation, you could be facing thousands of dollars in repairs. This is why experts recommend getting a yearly termite inspection. Indoor pests can cause even more trouble for Vinton families. Bed bugs are especially common. If you often wake up with itchy bites on your skin, there’s a good chance your home has a bed bug problem. Because bed bugs can worsen allergy and asthma symptoms, they must be eliminated as quickly as possible.

Commercial Pest Control

If you own commercial property or run a business in Vinton, you need a pest management plan. An infestation could happen when you least expect it. Even a minor bug problem could result in financial loss. Pests destroy property and cause sanitation issues. From roaches to rodents, there are a number of different invaders on the prowl. Some of the places that need commercial pest control services include churches, daycares, restaurants, and retail stores.

Green Pest Control

Some pest treatments contain toxins. This is why you should consider green pest control. It involves the use of natural, botanical-based pesticides. You won’t have to worry about your family being exposed to any dangerous chemicals. The extra peace of mind makes green pest control well worth it.

Pests We Treat/Other Services:

Ant Control
Bed Bug Control & Prevention
Mosquito Control
Rodent Control
Termite Control
Stinging Insect Control
Spider Control
Stink Bug Control
Flea Control
Closed Crawl Spaces
Pre-Treat Services
Vapor Barrier

Here is Our Full List of Pests We Treat

When encountering pest issues, Vinton homes and businesses can always turn to Bug Man Exterminating. Call us for a free estimate on service.

Contact Bug Man Exterminating to schedule your service today!