A young termite

6 Signs You Have a Termite Infestation

Termites are a year-round pest problem in Roanoke VA, thanks to our mild climate and humid environment. However, termites become more active during the warmer months. This is when many people notice the signs of termite infestation and damage.

Maybe you’ve noticed some odd changes around your home and have a sneaking suspicion that you have hungry, unwanted guests. You’re right to be concerned. If left untreated, termites can cause serious damage that’s expensive to repair. If you’re worried termites have taken up residence in you home, keep reading. We’ve rounded up the most common signs of termite infestation so you know what you’re dealing with and can take action quickly.

6 Signs You Have a Termite Infestation

There are two types of termites common to our area: the Eastern Subterranean Termite and the Formosan Termite. Eastern Subterranean Termites are most common in North America and need contact with the soil to survive. Formosan Termites are less common but more aggressive. They’re not picky when feeding and can quickly chew their way through all types of wood.

Luckily, termites are not subtle. They leave plenty of evidence fairly early, which means that if you keep a sharp eye out, you can minimize their damage and prevent them from returning.  Here are 6 tell-tale signs that termites are helping themselves to your home.

  1. Discarded wings: You may find piles of tiny wings near doorways or windows because swarming termites are attracted to light. These termites fly toward the light source and then discard their wings. The good news is, swarmers do not cause structural damage, the worker termites do. However, this is a sign to take action immediately because swarmers create new colonies.
  2. Bubbling or blistering wood: Termites tend to consume wood from the inside out. If you notice the woodwork in your home taking on new shapes, developing holes, or blisters, then it’s likely that the material inside your structure has been eaten away.
  3. Damaged or bubbling paint: Similar to damaged wood, drywall, paint, and wallpaper will buckle and bubble in the presence of termites. As termites chew their way through your walls, they make tunnels which damage not only the structural integrity of your walls, but also their appearance.
  4. Termite holes: If you notice small holes in the woodwork of your home, it’s likely time to call an exterminator. These holes serve as exit doors for swarmers, which means you might be in danger of a new colony in the making.
  5. Mud Tubes: As their name implies, mud tubes are long, thin tubes of mud that subterranean termites use to travel between the soil and their food source. Homeowners most commonly find these tubes near the foundations of their home.
  6. Suspicious noises: Termites are noisy eaters. If you’re investigating a potentially termite-ravaged piece of wood, lean in closely and take a good listen. Soldier termites shake and bang their bodies against their tunnels to warn the colony of danger while worker termites chew loudly. You may be able to hear them as well as see the signs.

What to Do if You Suspect Termites

If you suspect that you’re dealing with termites, it’s important to call a trusted, local exterminator immediately. Termites can cause thousands of dollars of damage to your home and stopping their spread as soon as possible is essential.

Bug Man Exterminating is a Roanoke, family-owned business and we’ve been preventing termite infestations for almost 30 years. Our experts know the ins and outs of termite control, and will ensure that you get the most effective treatment. We’ll make sure to conduct regular follow-up termite inspections and monitor your home to identify new termite activity so that you remain stress-free. Don’t play guessing games when it comes to termites. Contact us today for your FREE termite inspection and take care of termites fast.