Where Do Roaches Come From? A Guide to Roach Infestations

By Jordan Roaches, those pesky and unwelcome guests in our homes, are more than just a nuisance....

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6 Signs You Have a Termite Infestation

By Jordan Termites are a year-round pest problem in Roanoke VA, thanks to our mild climate and...

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5 Tips for Preventing Pests This Summer

By Jordan It’s summertime in Roanoke, VA which means you’ll likely be enjoying backyard BBQs, time at...

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How to Get Rid of Your Ant Problems

By Jordan Ants make terrible houseguests. They enter your home uninvited, walk all over clean counters and...

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How Often Should You Receive Pest Control Treatment?

By Jordan As a homeowner, you know that pest control isn’t just for peace of mind. Insects...

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How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs: A Comprehensive Guide

By Jordan Stink bugs are a relatively new problem for American homeowners. The pungent brown shield bug...

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Termite Control: How to Protect Your Home from These Destructive Pests

By Jordan Termites may be small, but they are a serious threat to home and business owners....

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How Do Professional Pest Control Exterminators Kill Bed Bugs?

By Jordan “Good night, sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite!” To most of us, this...

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Winter is Coming: How to Prepare for Pests During Cold Weather

By Jordan Winter is right around the corner and while it might mean colder temps, it also...

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How to Completely Get Rid of Mice in Your House

By Jordan You’ve seen the telltale black pellets in your basement or cupboards. Maybe you’ve even seen...

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